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Virtual Coffee Newsletter, September 2023

Preptember begins! ๐Ÿ’

Hey fellow Open Source Contributors!

August was healthy habits, but now we're back in the technical swing of things by getting ready for HACKTOBERFEST!

๐Ÿ’ž Kindness and Gratitude

Spotlighting some of the kindness happening in our community.

"I'm grateful for a nice OSS chat and discussion with Dominic."


"Grateful to be part of the community, and looking forward to chatting with more of you!"


"Grateful that this community exists, and Bekah invited me all those years ago."


๐Ÿ“† What's happening at Virtual Coffee

August Recap

๐Ÿ’กMonthly Theme & Challenge: Healthy Habits!

August was all about getting back into the habits that keep us happy and healthy throughout the rest of the year. As a community we tried to refocus on the important daily/weekly/monthly activities that keep us centred.

September is Preptember

๐Ÿ’กMonthly Theme & Challenge: Prepping for Hacktoberfest!

Every year, this community participates in Hacktoberfest, the yearly celebration of all things Open Source. In order to make the month as successful as possible, we used September to get ready as participants, open source maintainers, and mentors. All through the month we'll be getting ready, asking each other questions, reviewing each others codebases, and doing all the prep necessary to make Hacktoberfest a success!

New this year: We have a repository for our members to practice open source, add themselves as Preptember participant, and to list repositories that pass our repository checklist to be recommended for Hacktoberfest. You can learn more here!


Season 8 is out!

โ˜•๐Ÿช‘ Coffee Table Events

โ˜• Official Virtual Coffee Events

Note: These are the currently scheduled times for these events at the time of this publication. Please check the official VC #announcements Slack channel or other noted channels for any updates and links to event rooms. For the full list of events, check out our events page.

Volunteering at VC

We're very excited to continue open membership with the support of our active volunteers! All our active volunteers have an invite to send out to someone interested in joining Virtual Coffee. If you're interested in joining the volunteer team, check out some the roles here!

Member Content Highlights

Some of our member contents we loved in August!



Member Wins



"I am excited to announce that I will be full time with freeCodeCamp!"


"Deployed a photo gallery and blog website!"


Congratulations to Brian Rinaldi for CFE making the nominations for most welcoming Dev Community!

What our members are up to

Open Source Projects

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