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Virtual Coffee Newsletter, December 2023

Creative Community at the End of 2023! πŸ’

Hey Friends!

After a successful blogging challenge with NaNoWriMo in November, we're enjoying the creative parts of ourselves with Creative Community!

πŸ’ž Kindness and Gratitude

Spotlighting some of the kindness happening in our community.

"Grateful for feedback from Justin, Meg, and Ryan for my new educational static site. Thanks to everyone for helping me get it out there!"


"Managed to get two nights of restful sleep after having a night with almost no sleep. Grateful for all the support from VC."


"I participated in my first Hacktoberfest this year and just received my reward kit. The content is really sick!!! I'm so grateful for this community cause you guys really gave me the push through all your messages here."


πŸ“† What's happening at Virtual Coffee

November Recap

πŸ’‘Monthly Theme & Challenge: NaNoWriMo!

November was our annual Writing Challenge and it was amazing! We got over 150,000 words as a community. Shoutout to Amy Shackles for her massive contribution this month of almost 60,000 words!

December: Creative Community!

πŸ’‘Monthly Theme & Challenge: Creative Community Challenge!

Devs are more than just the code we write. This challenge is all about embracing self-expression. Give back to yourself by indulging in something just for fun. Share the art, music, poetry, sports, games, or other hobbies that spark your joy.

We spend so much time grinding away on understanding things in the tech space; let's make some space for the other parts of ourselves. In this challenge, we encourage folks to work on things that aren't necessarily code-specific or use code to improve other hobbies and outlets.

Bekah wrote an amazing blog post called Join Virtual Coffee in the Creative Community Monthly Challenge! to get us started!

β˜•πŸͺ‘ Coffee Table Events

πŸ“… Weekly Async Events

β˜• Official Virtual Coffee Events

Note: These are the currently scheduled times for these events at the time of this publication. Please check the official VC #announcements Slack channel, or other noted channels, for any updates and links to event rooms. For the full list of events, check out our events page.

πŸ†• New Channels Alert

We've added three new private channels β€” Senior+, Mid-level, Early-career β€” to our Slack for peer-to-peer conversation, because we know that it's good to be able to support and nurture conversations specific to your career level. If you're interested in joining the one you identify with most, DM Bekah on Slack.

πŸ“ Survey

The end of the year survey will be ready soon. We ask you take a couple of minutes to fill it out so we can continue to improve this community and make it a space that provides value to our members.

🀝 Volunteering at VC

We're very excited to continue open membership with the support of our active volunteers! All our active volunteers have an invite to send out to someone interested in joining Virtual Coffee. If you're interested in joining the volunteer team, check out some the roles here!

✨ Member Content Highlights

Some of our member posts we loved during our Writing Challenge


πŸ† Member Wins

"My blog reached 10K+ views!"


"I am so excited to officially be launching my new service, Say My Name, on Product Hunt today."


"Win: I had my PR merged into create-typescript-app."


"Completed 3 blogs for this month!"


"Finally finished building my blog."


πŸ‘€ What our members are up to

πŸ’» Open Source Projects

If you're a member and you’d like to give a Lunch & Learn or Workshop, you can submit your idea here.

Have a question, suggestion, or want to nominate someone’s act of kindness or blogpost? Email us at

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