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Virtual Coffee Newsletter, May 2024

Community Kindness! πŸ’

Hey Friends!

After a lot of hard work from our presenters and organizers, Lightning Talks are complete! Next up is making the time to share good cheer with all the great people in this community.

πŸ’ž Kindness and Gratitude

Spotlighting some of the kindness happening in our community.

"I'm grateful for Ethan running Feelings Friday."


"Super grateful to Andy for his detailed feedback."


"Thanks so much, Vic, for helping me troubleshoot my server issues!"

Laura M

πŸ“† What's happening at Virtual Coffee

April Recap

πŸ’‘Monthly Theme & Challenge: Public Speaking!

We spent the month getting back in conf talk mode, supporting each other's public personas and rounding things off with our annual LIGHTNING TALKS. Thank you so so much to all who participated. To learn more you can always check out our website, and you can check out a recap of the full lightning talk stream here!

May: Community Kindness!

πŸ’‘Monthly Theme & Challenge: Community Kindness!

As we work hard to make sure this community continues to be the special and close-knit group, this challenge encourages our members to celebrate one of the things that continually makes this community so special: Kindness. Some of the ways we see this include: practicing gratitude, reaching out to support other members, mentoring, helping, giving honest and constructive feedback, and continuing to make Virtual Coffee a safe and supportive space.

To view all of the details of this month's challenge, check out the May 2024 challenge page and Bekah's blog post.

β˜•πŸͺ‘ Coffee Table Events

πŸ“… Weekly Async Events

β˜• Official Virtual Coffee Events

Note: These are the currently scheduled times for these events at the time of this publication. Please check the official VC #announcements Slack channel, or other noted channels, for any updates and links to event rooms. For the full list of events, check out our events page.

πŸ†• New Career Focus Channels Alert

We've added three new private channels β€” Senior+, Mid-level, Early-career β€” to our Slack for peer-to-peer conversation, because we know that it's good to be able to support and nurture conversations specific to your career level. If you're interested in joining the one you identify with most, DM Bekah or Meg on Slack.

🀝 Volunteering at VC

We're very excited to continue open membership with the support of our active volunteers! All our active volunteers have an invite to send out to someone interested in joining Virtual Coffee. If you're interested in joining the volunteer team, check out some the roles here!

✨ Member Content Highlights

Our members are making the internet a better place with their words and wisdom!



πŸ† Member Wins

"Just did my first PR on OpenSauced this morning (and it got merged)!"


"Finished the rough cut of all my slides and content this morning for a new talk I'm giving on Friday."


"I attended an in-person networking event for coders in my area, and had a first round interview with a company."


"Joined Hack for LA, and completed my first ever GitHub issue. Waiting for the PR to be merged."


"Officially 30,000 words into my first novel!"


πŸ‘€ What our members are up to

πŸ’» Open Source Projects

If you're a member and you’d like to give a Lunch & Learn or Workshop, you can submit your idea here.

Have a question, suggestion, or want to nominate someone’s act of kindness or blog post? Email us at

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