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Virtual Coffee Newsletter, July 2024

Welcoming Community! 💝

Hey Friends!

We’re starting up the Welcome train yet again with a month all about welcoming New community members, making space for them, and sharing everything this community has to offer!

💞 Kindness and Gratitude

Spotlighting some of the kindness happening in our community.

"I’m grateful for Jason for having me on the Tech Commute. It was the highlight of my week!"


"Thank you very much Andrea! I’m truly grateful for the invitation to be here!"


"Grateful to Chad for the wise and encouraging words. It really brought me some peace."


💡 What's happening at Virtual Coffee

June Recap: Mid-Year Check in!

We spent the month taking a step back, assessing where we were at, what our goals were and how to make strides to the future! Success is rarely linear, and sometime’s there’s value in taking a beat to make sure your current path is aligned with who you are, and where you want to be.

July Challenge: Welcoming Community!

This challenge allows you to invite a friend to join our community. However, simply inviting someone is not enough! We encourage you to warmly welcome and support our new friends and demonstrate what Virtual Coffee is truly all about - a welcoming and supportive community!

Learn more about this challenge in this blog post.

To view all of the details of this year's challenge, check out the July 2024 challenge page.

☕🪑 Coffee Table Events

📅 Weekly Async Events

☕ Official Virtual Coffee Events

Note: These are the currently scheduled times for these events at the time of this publication. Please check the official VC #announcements Slack channel, or other noted channels, for any updates and links to event rooms. For the full list of events, check out our events page.

🆕 New Career Focus Channels Alert

We've added three new private channels — Senior+, Mid-level, Early-career — to our Slack for peer-to-peer conversation, because we know that it's good to be able to support and nurture conversations specific to your career level. If you're interested in joining the one you identify with most, DM Bekah or Meg on Slack.

🤝 Volunteering at VC

We're very excited to continue open membership with the support of our active volunteers! All our active volunteers have an invite to send out to someone interested in joining Virtual Coffee. If you're interested in joining the volunteer team, check out some the roles!

✨ Member Content Highlights

Our members are making the internet a better place with their words and wisdom!



🏆 Member Wins

👀 What our members are up to

💻 Resource Highlights!

Monthly Challenge: Welcoming Community! — Ayu Adiati

If you're a member and you’d like to give a Lunch & Learn or Workshop, you can submit your idea here.

Have a question, suggestion, or want to nominate someone’s act of kindness or blog post? Email us at

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